Interface ListThreadsQueryParams

Interface representing the query parameters for listing drafts.



anyEmail?: string[]

Return threads that contain messages that have been sent or received from this list of email addresses.

bcc?: string[]

Return threads containing messages bcc'd on these email address.

cc?: string[]

Return threads containing messages cc'd on these email address.

from?: string[]

Return threads containing messages sent from these email address.

hasAttachment?: boolean

Return threads with messages that contain attachments.

in?: string[]

Return threads with messages that belong to these specified folder IDs.

latestMessageAfter?: number

Return threads whose most recent message was received after this Unix timestamp.

latestMessageBefore?: number

Return threads whose most recent message was received before this Unix timestamp.

limit?: number
pageToken?: string
searchQueryNative?: string

The provider-specific query string used to search threads. Available for Google only.

starred?: boolean

Return threads with starred messages.

subject?: string

Return items with a matching literal subject.

to?: string[]

Return threads containing messages sent to these email address.

unread?: boolean

Return threads with unread messages.

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